Monday, March 1, 2010

Lithium Demand: GS Yuasa plans to boost production of lithium-ion batteries 10-fold TNR.v, CZX.v, WLC.v, LMR.v, RM.v, SQM, FMC, ROC, HEV, AONE, VLNC,

Close connections with automakers lead us to the thought that GS Yuasa will not produce dramatically higher volume of lithium batteries out of the blue - our Next Big Thing is taking off all across the globe.
"Ideal market situation for the new disruptive technology to create a life time investing opportunity is when Demand for product or service is already there and you are able to deliver it in a new way, which will be more appealing to Existing consumers of this product or service. You have a dramatic shift in consumer preference and are gaining a market share in a tidal wave fashion by shifting consumers from existing providers to the new product or service place. You do not have to teach the market and prove that they need this product - you just need to prove that the new technology you are putting in place is viable to deliver the Better Experience."

Looks like Honda and Mitsubishi are up to the high volumes of Electric cars and bikes to be produced. Mitsubishi has announced before increase in Electric Cars output and now this battery maker is taking a very aggressive goal on production target.

GS Yuasa Corp. plans to boost annual production of lithium-ion batteries 10-fold over two years to meet demand for electric vehicles.

GS Yuasa plans to boost production of battery cells to equip 9,000 electric vehicles in the year ending March 2011 from 2,000 electric cars this fiscal year and raise it to about 20,000 the following year. The company, which has partnerships with Honda Motor Co. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. to make lithium-ion power cells for electric vehicles, competes against Osaka- based Sanyo Electric Corp. to win automakers as clients. Mitsubishi Motors raised its sales target for the i-MiEV electric car to 9,000 units from 8,500 for next fiscal year.“We’re getting very strong signals of orders from carmakers including Mitsubishi Motors,” Yoda, 60, said in Kyoto, western Japan, where the company is based. “How much we can boost production will be crucial for our fiscal year 2010.”GS Yuasa Corporation is a holding company jointly established in April 2004 by Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd. and Yuasa Corporation with the aim of meeting the world's ever expanding demands and expectations for electrical energy.GS Yuasa Group is comprised of GS Yuasa Corporation with 81 subsidiaries and 42 affiliated companies, and our business includes the manufacture and supply of batteries, power supply systems, lighting equipment, specialty other electrical equipment. In order to allow to offer products and services that best meet the needs of their customers around the world, they are continually making modifications and improvements to their R&D, manufacturing, and distribution systems, ensuring that they have a global"

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